
50 Responses to “Reviews”

  1. luuk 19 July 2024 at 19:18 Permalink

    ik ben heel goed geholpen door pieter. Ik had problemen met de hoog laag gearing. maar samen zijn we tot een mooie oplossing gekomen. Ik hoop niet te vaak dingen kapot te hebben, maar als ik weer iets nodig ben kom ik zeker hier terug om te bestellen.

  2. Jim 23 January 2024 at 04:27 Permalink

    Pieter and his company are amazing. What they do for the LJ community worldwide is nothing short of awesome. I looked everywhere for parts for my LJ and no one had them. With out him, our LJ would have sat for another 20 years or been turned into a parts car. Even when Peter didn’t stock an item, he found the parts in Japan and shipped them to us here in the US. His knowledge of LJ’s is incredible, knowing which parts fit our model and which ones don’t. If your looking for LJ parts I would not hesitate to contact Pieter as you will not find a better resource. Thank you ljeeholland for getting our LJ back on the road and keeping another LJ out of the scrap heap.

  3. Johannes Mutter 22 January 2024 at 21:21 Permalink

    vielen Dank für den besten Service rund um den LJ80, meine erste Adresse wenn ich Teile suche für mein LJ80. Hier bekommt man immer geholfen. Besten Dank auch an Pieter, er ist ein guter Freund und Ratgeber.

  4. César Martins 10 October 2023 at 20:35 Permalink

    Boa tarde; espero que se encontrem bem!?
    Estou a restaurante um LJ80 de 84 comprei um kit de reparação para o carburador mikuni alguém tem fotos ou desenhos, parece não serem compatíveis as juntas!!
    E estou interessado numa Grelha frontal que está a venda no site alguém pode ceder o contacto.
    Sinceros cumprimentos
    César Martins.

  5. Jesse 29 June 2023 at 10:41 Permalink

    Thanks for the parts, I received them in the box yesterday.
    Happy with the prompt delivery from half around the world, thought it was going to take weeks.
    I am looking forward to getting under the LJ80 and fitting it over the weekend.

  6. TROIANO Rosario 24 May 2023 at 15:08 Permalink

    Bonjour, Etant devenu l’heureux propriétaire d’un LJ80 de 1980 , j’ai passé plusieurs commandes depuis les dernières semaines et mon niveau de satisfaction est de 150% !!! Tout est livré dans un état impeccable et dans les délais les plus courts !! Merci beaucoup pour l’excellent service et la qualité irréprochable !

  7. Carlos López 27 February 2023 at 12:54 Permalink

    Buenos días. Necesito desmontar la palanca del freno de mano de un LJ80 de 1982 para restaurarla, limpiarla y pintarla, pero no veo claro como sacar el cable de la palanca y antes de romper algo quisiera saber como se hace. Gracias y saludos desde España.

    • eljeeholland 27 February 2023 at 18:44 Permalink


      Primero afloje el freno de mano del cuerpo (2 tornillos largos) luego afloje el cable girándolo 180 grados cada vez y luego el tornillo se suelta, puede quitar el cable usted mismo tirando del freno de mano hacia arriba y luego sacando el pasador de el cable golpeando a través del agujero en el lado
      ps tenemos el manual nuevo en stock

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